This procedure covers anyone participating in activities with the DSC, including members, visiting swimmers and coaches. The purpose of this Code of Conduct document is to ensure a safe and positive environment during all DSC related activities and events, by making all individuals aware that there is an expectation at all times of appropriate behaviour consistent with the values of our club, as outlined in the next section of Our Values and Mission.
DSC is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect. Our mission and values are:
This Policy applies to conduct that may arise during the course of DSC business, activities and events, including but, not limited to, practices, competitions, travel, and any meetings of, or on behalf of, DSC.
This Policy also applies to the conduct of Individuals that may occur outside of DSC’s business, activities, events and meetings when such conduct adversely affects relationships within DSC, its work and sport environment and is detrimental to the image and reputation of DSC.
All Individuals of DSC have a responsibility to:
i. demonstrating respect to individuals regardless of body type, physical characteristics, athletic ability, gender, ancestry, color, ethnic or racial origin, nationality, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, religion, religious belief, political belief, disability or economic status;
ii. focusing comments or criticism appropriately and avoiding public criticism of athletes, coaches, officials, organizers, volunteers, employees and Members;
iii. consistently demonstrating the spirit of sportsmanship, sports leadership and ethical conduct;
iv. acting, when appropriate, to prevent or correct practices that are unjustly discriminatory;
v. consistently treating individuals fairly and reasonably; and,2. Respect the property of others and not willfully cause damage.
Reporting any incident or potential incident is the responsibility of all Team members. Incidents are to be reported verbally to any member of the board and via email to the DSC board at
Behavioural violations at practice, or at meets where the member is representing or associating with DSC will be handled according to the following steps:
First Infraction
Verbal reprimand of the member by coach or member of the board of directors where the coach or member of board of directors witnessed the infraction.
Where the member of the Board has not witnessed the incident, the incident will be discussed with the member by the Board and a warning will be given.
Both scenarios will include a written memo via email to the swimmer.
Second Infraction
Meet with member(s) of the board of directors and suspension or expulsion from the team.
Any suspensions or terminations of membership or team privileges will be for cause and will not qualify for a refund of dues paid.